Endorsements: What Others Say About Working With Lynn

“I started working with Lynn in June of 2013 after seeing her on a Psychotherapy Networker webinar. I was so impressed with her knowledge base and friendly and warm style that I decided to call her soon thereafter. I thought we’d be working together for a few months but after only a couple of conversations, my practice expanded by leaps and bounds. Lynn was able to excavate the deep-seated beliefs and behaviors that were impeding my ability to attract more clients. Also, her preparation sheet was invaluable in helping me organize my goals and helping me see my successes. Lynn was honest and thoughtful in her sessions and amazingly adept at finding my blinds spots. And she always emailed me soon after receiving one of my emails. I am forever grateful. Thank you, Lynn.”
Nancy Simon, LCSW
Evanston, IL

“What really helped me put my practice over the top was the individual coaching with Lynn. Her training as a psychotherapist really shone through as we dealt with not only business, but personal issues that affected my business during the course of our work together. We took my practice from ‘taking anyone who had insurance’ to a specialty, private pay only status and I am greatly enjoying the results. I could not have done it without her!”
Debbie Devine, LPC
Rockwell, TX

“I have so benefited – everything you said could happen has happened for me. I take no insurance and have a waiting list most of the year.”
Jussi M. Light, M.A.
Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist

“I was a ‘student of your 12-Months to Your Ideal Private Practice Workbook. I started the course in February 2011. At that time, I had a struggling private practice in a shabby low-rent office by myself hoping to scratch out 40k gross a year. That one year changed my life. I wrote to you in 2012 to tell you how much your workbook did for me and I wanted to give you an update.
“Quickly on, I decided I wanted to build and create a non-profit comprehensive health center for the LGBT community here in Orlando where I live. I received the 501c3 designation for Two Spirit Health Services in 2012 (which I wrote and defended to the IRS myself) and used the growing capital from my expanding private practice to invest in and build the project. Last year on August 3, Two Spirit Health Services, Inc., opened its doors with a full-time psychotherapist, 2 part-time psychotherapists, a physician, 2 admin people, a certified electrologist (transgender women need permanent hair removal) and myself. To say this first year has been a challenge would be the biggest understatement. Opening a health center is not for the faint of heart, lol
“Then on June 12, 2016, 49 LGBT people were killed and another 53 injured in one of our local nightclubs. Two Spirit Health Services mobilized over 600 volunteer counselors to provide almost 1,000 mental health encounters in the weeks between June 12 and the July 4th weekend. Right now, the LGBT community and the larger Central Florida community looks to us a a leader in providing the ongoing aftercare to help our community heal. Our staff is now a physician, 2 nurses, 3 admin staff, 3 full-time and 2 part-time mental health providers, the certified electrologist, a COO and me (That’s 14!) We also have 4 part-time contract mental health providers at a satellite location at the LGBT Community Center. (That’s 18!) A month ago, we applied for designation as a Federally Qualified Health Center, which provides ongoing sustainable funding from the Federal Government and I think we have a very, very good shot at being selected.
“All of this from your workbook. How many jobs have you created? How many lives have you touched, even saved, through your work? the only answer I can give is, a lot, including mine.
“I just thought you’d like to know what a ripple effect can accomplish. Have a great day and thank you again so much for everything you have done for me and for our community, really”